Gifts & Gift Vouchers

How to purchase a digital gift voucher from

  1. Locate the on the Celtic Designs Jewelry Shop Page or on the main menu under ‘Gift Voucher’, or simply type ‘Gift Voucher’ into the search bar on the main menu. Selecting the Gift Voucher product will bring you to our gift voucher product page that looks like this:
    Gift Voucher Product Screenshot
  2. Enter the value you would like to put on the gift voucher, select the number of gift vouchers you would like at that value (or leave at 2) and click ‘Add to Cart’. This will add your gift voucher to your shopping cart.
  3. When you proceed to checkout you can choose to have fill in details of a recipient and have the gift voucher sent to them automatically via email:
    Gift Voucher Recipient Form Screenshot

How to use your digital gift voucher from

  1. You can use your Gift Voucher on when viewing your cart.
  2. When you are viewing the products in your shopping cart, enter the voucher code provided on the digital gift voucher you received via email (check your spam if you can’t find it!), in the grey box labelled ‘Coupon Code’.
    Gift Voucher Cart Screenshot
  3. Click ‘Apply Coupon’. Voilá, your cart total should be updated to reflect your applied gift voucher.

**Note: your gift voucher is only used once you have completed your transaction at the checkout.

Celtic Birthstone Rings and Necklaces

a piece of your heritage, to carry with you

Celtic ring
celtic pendant
Celtic red

About Celtic Designs Jewelry

since 1950, forging the way in Celtic jewelry design

Making jewelry is in our blood. Celtic jewelry is our passion and our history is built on innovating beautiful designs and quality jewelry for our customers.